Ever felt the urge to transform yarn into adorable toys that come to life stitch by stitch? Well, hold onto your knitting ...
But if you repeat a word — even your own name — too many times, it starts to sound meaningless. Most words, after all, are no ...
This story appears in the August 2013 issue of National Geographic magazine. The royalty of India—Hindu and Muslim—understood long ago that power was best wielded from the back of an elephant.
The forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) is one of two living African elephant species, the other being the savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana). Historically, forest elephants thrived in the dense ...
Multisensory Salutations According to Eleuteri, most studies of elephant communication have focused on the animals’ acoustic and olfactory signals, and not on their physical actions.
These rumbling patterns are essential for coordinating elephant group movements, spatial connections, and strengthening social bonds. The researchers performed their investigation on a herd of ...
Elephants are gentle creatures that captivate our hearts and imaginations. There are three elephant species on the Earth today—African savanna elephants, African forest elephants, and Asian ...
You'll be laughing your trunk off thanks to these elephant-themed jokes. Want to get a laugh or two from your friends and family the next time you talk to them? Or do you need a cute icebreaker ...
Bring one of these white elephant gifts to the party and guests will fight for the best present to take home. Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. We may earn a commission ...
Forget what you’ve seen in pretty much every cartoon containing an elephant - they don’t actually eat peanuts, and we don’t really know where the rumour started. They’re a bit too small ...
It’s just over a week before the release of Cage the Elephant’s first album in five years, and Matt Shultz is sitting at a corner table in the courtyard restaurant at Hollywood’s Sunset ...