Domesticated animals play a prominent role in our society, with two-thirds of American families enjoying the companionship of ...
Horses roam freely in many parts of the world, such as the Great Plains in the U.S., but these are feral animals, members of ...
In a world where differences often create division, the animal kingdom offers us remarkable examples of friendship that transcend species boundaries. These incredible animal friendships demonstrate ...
Fatal attractions are a standard movie plotline, but they also occur in nature, with much more serious consequences. As a ...
Horses were domesticated at least twice, researchers report June 6 in Nature. Genetic data suggest Botai hunter-gatherers in Central Asia may have been the first to domesticate the animals for ...
Rice is a great addition to homemade chicken soup but you might be surprised that the association of rice and chicken goes back thousands of years.Archaeologists have reviewed fossil chicken bones and ...
Rabbits are a classic example. Through frequent and independent releases, rabbits have colonized locations worldwide. But ...
Bird flu has held the world’s poultry industry in its unrelenting clutches before, causing catastrophic losses of more than ...
The extinction of dinosaurs allowed trees to grow taller and develop closed canopies, according to a study in the journal ...
Picture: RSPCA RSPCA Victoria chief inspector Michael Stagg said the case was a shocking example of deliberate cruelty ...
“Having a domesticated animal that could be eaten ... he at least said ‘on’ when he couldn’t yet say ‘walk on,’” she ...